Friday, July 12, 2013


It's Over!!       

One of the most difficult things to do in this world,  is to end a relationship. When you have finally had it and you just cannot do it anymore, or listen anymore or even just continue anymore on the same path.

It's true and very difficult to end a relationship especially when so many memories begin filling your head; and you want to just forgive and move forward. The issues become relevant in the sense of, how long will this chapter of my life continue, when will I get off of this roller coaster, and stop riding clearly on the same and wrong path??

Sometimes when we continue with a relationship that appears to be stagnant with no growth insight, we still want to hold on for memories sake; and to not be alone. What is really wrong with taking some time for yourself and being alone? What are people really afraid of?
Somewhere deep down inside; some of us truly believe that being miserable with someone else is much better than being happy by themselves, or they believe that they cannot be happy by themselves.

First, we must admit that nothing lasts forever, now that doesn't mean there aren't great relationships out there, it just means that sometimes other chapters in our lives will be surrounded by different people that we may not have had the opportunity to meet as of yet.

We owe to ourselves to explore and not stay in depression and just accept that sometimes our relationships will end. People grow in different directions and they may not still want the same things, or the question may be have we ever wanted the same things.

Growing apart from someone and realizing that there is more to life than what you can obtain with this individual may be the only wake up call you will need or get. You can forgive the person if they did you wrong, this is solely so that you can heal and grow, but that doesn't mean the door should be opened to return to that same individual.

You will never be completely relaxed when you have trust issues with someone; and then decide to return back to the relationship; both sides would have to be patient and one hundred percent committed. If either side is falling short of commitment it will not work so save yourself the hassle. People tend to get back together and end up putting each other through hell, just remember whatever decision you make, think it through and weigh the consequences on both sides and choose the decision that you can see yourself living with for the next chapters in your life,  five or ten years to start.

When it's over it is over and as difficult as it may be to accept, it is worse to continue in a dead relationship, because unhappiness is giving up happiness. Ask yourself if you can spend the next five or ten years living under these circumstances or condition. If yes, then work it out, if no then get the raisin bran out; cleanse your system and move on.

Make sure when you do decide to end a relationship, talk with the person with an inside voice and do not send a text to break up with someone, talk it out. Sometimes a public place might be better than at someone's home. (Just in case).  No restaurants or places where weapons can be used (a joke), a place that both of you can feel comfortable and be able to speak freely. Do not break up when you are mad because sometimes things acted out with anger can cause a bigger issue; and we cannot take back what is said or done.

Accept the fact, when it is over sometimes, it is just plain over, it is done, no more, finished, over, just move on and live your life. Stop wondering why, what did I do wrong, my life is over, I am going to kill them, nobody does this to me, I hate him or her. You are bigger and better than this, and if someone didn't appreciate all that you brought to the table, it is their loss not yours. There is someone who is going to love and appreciate you, you just have to be patient, pray and not allow your past to cloud your dreams and vision for the future. 

Everything that happens to us in life is a learning experience and we just have to step back, and reflect to figure out what the lesson is about. Trying to get someone to love you shouldn't be hard work or full of sweat, pain or anguish, it should happen gradually, with an easy flow with growth and love  not with pressure and convincing.


                  Love yourself and the love will come.

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